Our story

Greenmira started with a straightforward goal: bring health and wellness to as many people as possible using the highest quality premium CBD products possible.

We have a philosophy of balance—taking that which the environment can sustainably provide and give back to the communities that help us do it.


Our advantage

We work directly with the local farmers of the Imperial Valley in Southern California to source all of our products. Doing this provides access to amazing farmland and temperatures, which allows us to double production capacity to two grow cycles per year. Milder weather and temperatures eliminate many typical challenges to the growth cycle and harvesting processes.

Our vertical integration plan puts us in control of the entire process, offering a higher-quality product on a more consistent basis while maintaining cost-effectiveness. Each bottle we make has been handled with the utmost methodical attention to detail and the passion that’s fueled our farmers for generations.



take the first step towards better —

At Greenmira, we’re committed to supplying local small businesses with consistently GMP-certified products. Reach out →